Welcome To Student Services
Phone: (613) 258-3481(x3644)
Guidance Counselor: Shari Mitchell
Guidance Counselor: Jennifer Durant
Office Assistant: Melanie Dorion
Upcoming Events:
DUAL CREDIT: Students who are interested in taking a college course through Algonquin or St. Lawrence next school year should see Mrs. Mitchell in Student Services. Dual Credit applications open as early as April 20th. Equal consideration deadline is May 8th for St. Lawrence College dual credits and May 29th for Algonquin College.
Youth Summer Programs at the University of Toronto:
Students from grade 10-12 could spend 1-6 weeks at University of Toronto Summer Experience you will be learning about the realities of Law and Medicine while experiencing University life.
Interested Students please see Mrs. Mitchell in Student services or go to www.ysputoronto.ca
For details click on University College Recruiter Info Session tab to the left.
Upcoming Workshops
Student workshops will be posted under the Workshop tab.
Community Involvement Hours Opportunities
See Community Involvement form page to the left for more information.