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Welcome to the website of North Grenville District High School in Kemptville, Ontario.

Welcome to NGDHS home of the Knights! Welcome to the website of North Grenville District High School in Kemptville, Ontario. NGDHS is located at 2605 Concession Road. Although we are in a newer building, North Grenville DHS has been serving the growing community of Kemptville and the surrounding area in the northern region of Grenville County since 1936! NGDHS continually strives to build upon our past success and to assist our students in meeting the academic, social, and emotional challenges as they prepare for graduation. We are pleased about your interest in North Grenville District High School and invite you to become a part of our school community. For much more information about NGDHS and a detailed Calendar of current events, please visit Sincerely, Kris Wiley - Principal, Shannon Hughes - Vice-Principal (9-12), Shara Jones – Vice-Principal (7-8)

As part of the federal COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, and funding from the Ontario government,
73 UCDSB school sites will see enhancements and upgrades to HVAC and controls; replacement portables; window replacements; bottle filling stations; and power doors with touchless sensors.

Investing in Canada

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