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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a regular MSIP class? 

For the first two weeks of your semester in co-op, you will have stay with your co-op class and complete your co-op assignments. Any work you have assigned for your other classes must be done on your own time. 

When you start your work placement you will use your MSIP period as travel time (to and from your placement). You will still be responsible for completing MSIP work from your other classes. 

What will happen if I do not complete all my co-op assignments before I am suppose to go to work? 

You will not begin work until all assignment are completed well and they are submitted. 

What happens if I am part of a sports team or club and I miss some of hours from my placement? 

You must notify your co-op teacher and your employer as soon as you know your schedule so that you can work out when you will make up your hours. 

What do I do if I am sick and cannot go to work? 

You must phone your workplace immediately and also phone your co-op teacher. You are required to make up the hours. 

What happens if I forget to complete my timesheets? 

If this becomes a pattern you be removed temporarily from your placement until all timesheets are completed. 

If I work beyond the required number of hours do I still have to continue going to my placement? 


Am I allowed to leave my placement to go for lunch? 

Yes you may but you need to ask your employer first. If you leave and do not eat with the rest of the staff these hours will not count towards your total co-op hours.

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