North Grenville District High School
Please Note:
1. It is the student’s responsibility to know when, where and what materials will be needed for each of his/her final evaluations and exams.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to report any exam conflicts to the main office prior to the exam period.
3. The use of cell phones and electronic devices (i.e. MP3 players, iPods, iPhones etc.) is not permitted during exam times. Only under exceptional circumstances and with prior permission of the teacher would a student be allowed to use such a device during an exam.
4. Students should use the washroom prior to starting an exam. If there is a need to use the washroom during exam time, there may be a teacher in the hall to escort a student, otherwise, the office should be called to send an escort. Cell phone use and texting is not permitted by a student being escorted to the washroom.
5. To minimize distractions to students still writing exams, all students are expected to stay in their exam room for approximately one hour. At this time under the direction of the supervising teacher, students may leave their exam room and report to the cafeteria or Learning Commons. After 2 hours, when the majority of classroom exams have finished, students may quietly go to lockers in/near the academic hallways.